To the most Noble House in all Westeros,
We are pleased to invite you to the King’s Landing in West Loop’s Open Books for a grand evening of the finest event this side of the Narrow Sea. Join the Queen for trivia of our history as recorded by Grand Maester George R. R. Martin.
Kindly arrive in your best Westeros, Medieval, or Chicago attire at 5:30 in the evening to register your House for the Maester’s trivia, which will begin in the throne room at 6:30.
Pose for your royal portrait as the Queen allows you to briefly sit on the Iron Throne. Enjoy Dornish wine and spirits in exchange for donations to the Night’s Watch. The first 30 in attendance will leave King’s Landing with your very own dragon egg.
Send a raven to your Allied Houses to gather together for this most excellent evening and win the great honour of First Place of Trivia.
We look forward to your presence. All proceeds support Open Books literacy and book programs.
Spend Prom in the Library: A celebration of all things Buffy
Are you tired of dances being crashed by demons? Were you too busy stopping the apocalypse to go prom dress shopping? Well don’t fret, spend prom in the library instead! Open Books invites all Scoobies to our West Loop Bookstore as we turn it into the Sunnydale High Library for our celebration of the anniversary of the Prom episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. We will have Buffy trivia, Buffy themed drinks ($5 suggested donations), a photo booth, and general geeking out-ness. Feel free to break out your best prom wear or come wearing your finest Buffy or themed graphic tee. #PromUp
This is a free event open to all but we ask that you bring a book donation for admission and drinks have a $5 suggested donation.
*NOTE: trivia will include all 7 seasons of Buffy the Vampire Slayer and contain SPOLIERS. Angel the series and the comic books will not be included in trivia.
Open Books is a nonprofit social venture that provides literacy experiences for thousands of readers each year through inspiring programs and creative capitalization of books. Join us in spreading the joy of literacy through reading, writing, and the SLAYING power of used books.